We are a friendly club that welcomes all KC recognised breeds. Our aim is to help you to achieve the best from your dog in the show ring. We have experienced judges and professional handlers on our committee, who will be available to give advice.
We hold weekly training sessions which are held every Monday evening from 7:45pm to 10:00pm. Rally nights are held the fourth Monday of the month with guest judge.
The best puppy and dog go forward to the DOG OF THE YEAR which is held in December along with the Christmas party.
Our open show is held every January.
Why not come along - a warm welcome awaits you all.
Membership costs per calendar year:
- Single £2.00
- Joint £4.00
Training Sessions are held at Little Lever Working Mens Club, Victory Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1HZ, Lancs. Cost per week is £2 per adult (£3 per adult with effect from 01 June 2022) and 50p per child.
For further information, please contact Hon. Secretary Mr John Tranter (contact details on the Office Bearers page), or contact us via Facebook